Apple Trees for Sale
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The root stock used for apples influences size of the mature tree, age to fruit bearing, cold hardiness and adaptability to specific soil types. M7 produces the smallest apple trees, mature trees are approximately 12' tall, and bear fruit sooner than trees grown on B118 or M111. B118 and M111 produce mature trees that are 14-16' tall. B118 can tolerate cold temperatures associated with zone 4. B118 trees handle sandy soils better. M7 and M111 are more tolerant of heavier soils.
* Number in ( ) indicates the number of Premium Grade trees that are available. Premium Grade trees are too large to ship, pickup or delivery only.
Root stock listed, followed by numbers indicating remaining inventory.
#1 Select Grade $23 followed by number of (Premium Grade) $35 trees available.
M7 rootstock - SOLD OUT
A red fleshed, small to medium sized apple. On the tart side, but the red flesh makes for interesting sauce and juice.
M111 root stock - SOLD OUT
B118 root stock - SOLD OUT
A very fine, high quality disease resistant golden apple with a pretty blush. It is one of the latest harvesting apples, so may not ripen properly in many northern areas. However, letting it hang as long as possible and storing for a while before eating will allow it to mellow. It is very firm, crisp and juicy. Tart at harvest it will develop a very rich, well balanced flavor after a few weeks of storage. It stores very well.
Hewes (Virgina Crabapple)
M111 root stock - SOLD OUT
B118 root stock - SOLD OUT
Originated in Virginia in the early 1700s. Grown by both Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. A great hard cider apple and excellent pollinator. Flesh is firm, juicy with excellent flavor 1 1/2" diameter. Matures September.
M7 root stock - 9 (1) available
B118 root stock - 6 (2) available
Keener is a vigorous grower, showing excellent disease resistance. This apple takes on a bronze colored, russetted skin. A very unique color. Small to medium in size, white fleshed, fine grained, crisp and juicy. Early October maturity, stores well.
Kinnairds Choice
M111 root stock - 1 available
B118 root stock - 3 (6) available
A heirloom apple variety, which originated in Tennessee around 1855. Dark red skin if exposed to full sun. Medium to large size. Juicy, aromatic, fine grained flesh. Late September maturity. Not overly sweet. Very good disease resistance.
M111 root stock - 1 available
An older variety that was introduced to replace Yellow Transparent, which it resembles somewhat in appearance and season. It is a good early season apple for pies and sauces, but as a dessert apple it tends to be tart. It is a better keeper than Yellow Transparent and is more firm.
M7 root stock - 6 available
M111 root stock - 3 available
B118 root stock - 5 available
A late July maturing, yellow skinned apple. Very good disease resistance. Firm, crisp, juicy flesh for an early season apple. Keeps well. Later blooming, precocious tree. Taste is similar to Golden Delicious. Fruit is suitable for all uses.
State Fair
M111 root stock - 11 available
B118 root stock - 4 available
An August maturing apple, Flavor is refreshing, slightly tart to sweet. Juicy, yellow flesh. Good for eating or baking. Medium size with red, striped skin. Doesn't store particularly well. Tree is very cold hardy into zone 4.
Yellow Transparent
M7 root stock - 6 available
One of the first apples to mature in the summer. A yellow skinned apple that matures in late July. Good disease resistance to scab, cedar apple rust and powdery mildew. A juicy, tender fleshed, slightly tart. Makes a great applesauce. Tree is a vigorous grower and precocious.