Fruit Tree Pricing at Turkey Creek Trees
The majority of trees we sell are classified as #1 Select Grade. These trees are 1/2" diameter or larger, primarily branchless whips. Trees that are shipped to buyers are headed back to approximately 40" tall. This heading balances out the roots to the top growth after the tree is dug. These young whips when planted in good soil and given proper care will grow at a quick rate. Trees picked up directly from us may be taller.
#1 Select Grade apple trees are $27/ea. Pear, cherry, peach and plum $39/ea.
Premium Grade Apple. These trees have a larger diameter than our #1 Select Grade and have a minimum of 3 established branches. On average these trees are 5' tall or taller. Premium Grade Apple trees are $39/ ea.
Fall ordered trees, if ordered by email, require a 25% / tree deposit, due within 14 days of the order being placed. This deposit is non refundable after January 1st. On-line store orders will require you to pay in full for the products when you place the order. Shipping if required will be figured separately and you will be billed for that just prior to shipping in the Spring. All orders are required to be paid in full prior to shipping or delivery. Trees ordered after January 1st are required to be paid in full at the time of the order regardless of the ordering method. If you are wanting to place an order we strongly encourage you to do so as soon as the new crop is listed in late September/ early October. We are often sold out of trees if you wait until Spring to place an order.
You can send us an email and we will be happy to help you make the right selections for your needs.
The on-line store is not able to figure shipping due to the complexity of shipping. To charge a flat rate for shipping would mean that you the customer would pay an excessive amount for shipping in order to "cover the worst case scenario". We would rather give you and accurate and honest shipping quote, but that does require a separate transaction. We will figure your shipping costs just prior to shipping and invoice you at that time for shipping. When using the on-line store for making your purchase the system will require you to pay in full, the on-line store is not capable of taking partial payments.
Keep in mind that we ship in 3 different sized boxes. FedEx and UPS charge by "dimensional weight" as opposed to actual box weight. As an example, it costs us and you the same amount to ship 5 trees as it does 10 trees! To give you the best value per tree, it is to your advantage to fill the shipping box.
All trees are guaranteed to leaf out the spring in which they are planted, we must be notified by June 15th of the planting year for tree replacement or refund. We can, occasionally, ship trees in the fall, but please be aware that fall shipped trees DO NOT carry a guarantee. If a Spring planted tree fails to leaf out it will be replaced the following growing season. If we are unable to provide a replacement, we will refund the purchase price of the tree.